Leaders of Shaanxi Province of China (XU Dazhao, JIA Feng, ZHAO Runmin) met with Professor Zhang Ying and Dr. Urs Lustenberger ( NSRI Global Partner )
@ China International Import Expo (CIIE), Shanghai
November 6th, 2019
Leaders of Shaanxi Province of China (XU Dazhao, JIA Feng, ZHAO Runmin) met with Dr. Lustenberger, the Chairman of the Swiss Asian Chamber of Commerce, and Professor Zhang Ying, Associate dean of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, in Shanghai, at CIIE 2019.
Nov. 6th, 2019
On November 6th, 2019, The Deputy Governor XU Datong, the Secretary General JIA Feng, and the Director of the Department of Commerce ZHAO Runmin met with the Chairman of the Swiss Asian Chamber of Commerce, Dr.Urs Lustenberger, and professor Zhang Ying, associate dean of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, at the Shaanxi Non-Heritage Club of CIIE 2019 in Shanghai.
In this meeting, the Deputy Governor Mr. Xu discussed with Lustenberger and Zhang on cooperation intention between Shaanxi Province and Switzerland as well as Europe. Governor Xu expressed his warm welcome to the two guests in CIIE 2019, expressed his appreciation to the two guests in their role of bridging Shaanxi province and Europe, as well as taking Shaanxi as the future primary choice for Sino-Swiss cooperation in China. Governor XU introduced numerous representative works of the intangible cultural heritage in the Shaanxi Pavilion at CIIE to Lustenberger and Zhang, and invited the two to taste the specialties and fruits of Shaanxi at the expo too.
Governor XU said that Shaanxi Province not only has rich history and culture, but also owns China’s leading technological innovation capabilities. He hopes to have full and in-depth cooperation with the Swiss side. President Lustenberger and Professor Zhang expressed their gratitude to Governor XU for his time in Shanghai and his hospitality.
Dr. Lustenberger said Switzerland shares common characteristics with Shaanxi in terms of cultural history and technological innovation. He also introduced the Sino-Swiss Belt and Road Third-Party Development Memorandum of Cooperation signed at the Belt and Road Summit in Beijing in April this year, between two countries. He said the Swiss government, corporate industry and academic circles are very much looking forward to have in-depth cooperation with China. He believes Shaanxi's high-quality scientific and technological innovation capabilities and Switzerland's leading position in global technology and economic innovation will certainly lay a solid foundation for long-term cooperation between the two sides. Chairman Lustenberger warmly invited Vice Governor Xu to participate in the Identitat Global Forum hosted by the Swiss Asian Chamber of Commerce and Caspian Week at Davos World Economics in January 2020, with heads of state and business elites to discuss the Belt and Road progress and the changing pattern of the world.
At the same time, Professor Zhang Ying and Dr. Lustenberger expressed willingness to contribute to the further cooperation between entrepreneurs from Shaanxi province China and European companies, as well as international advanced management education and medical health education for stakeholders from Shaanxi Province. Governor XU expressed his gratitude and emphasized that the cooperation between Shaanxi Province and Switzerland and Europe must be put in place and carried out in a down-to-earth manner.
Finally, on behalf of the City of Zurich, Switzerland, Chairman Lustenberger gave Governor XU the Zurich City Honorary Pin. Governor XU also invited the Lustenberger and Zhang to visit Shaanxi again.
Reported by New Silk Road Institute and Erasmus China Business Center
Dr. Lustenberger: Chairman of the Asian Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland, Honorary Counsellor of the Philippines in Switzerland, Founding Partner of Lustenberger Law Firm, Global Partner of the New Silk Road Academy, Representative of 2019 Swiss State Visit to China.
Professor Zhang Ying: Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, associate dean of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands

2019年11 月 6日
2019年 11月6日中午12时,陕西省三位省领导徐大彤副省长、贾锋秘书长、以及商务厅赵润民厅长在上海进博会陕西非遗产会馆会见了瑞士亚洲商会主席卢斯腾博格先生以及鹿特丹管理学院张颖教授。
徐副省长表示,陕西省不仅拥有丰富的历史文化,还拥有全国领先的科技创新能力。他期望能与瑞士方展开全面深入合作。卢斯腾博格主席表示了对徐省长在上海进博会会见以及陕西热情接待的感谢,并表示瑞士在文化历史和科技创新上与陕西拥有共同的特点。卢斯腾博尔格主席并对今年四月在北京召开的一带一路峰会签订的中瑞一带一路第三方发展合作备忘录进行了介绍,并表示瑞士政府和企业工业以及学界非常期待与中方深入合作。他表示陕西的优质科技创新能力和瑞士在全球科技以及经济创新的领先地位一定能为双方的长远合作奠定坚实的基础。卢斯腾博格主席热情邀请徐副省长参加2020年1月由瑞士亚洲商会和Caspian Week 在达沃斯世界经济论主办的Identitat Global分论坛,与各国元首和企业精英共同探讨一带一路大背景下世界格局的变化。同时,卢斯腾博尔格先生和张颖教授表示愿意为家乡的企业家与欧洲企业的合作贡献力量,以及陕西省企业家的国际高级管理教育深造以及医疗卫生教育等领域的合作提供帮助。徐副省长表示感谢并强调陕西省与瑞士以及欧洲的合作一定要落实到位,扎扎实实的进行下去。
卢斯腾博格先生:瑞士亚洲商会主席、菲律宾驻瑞士荣誉参赞、卢斯腾博格律师事务所创始合伙人、新丝绸之路书院全球合伙人,2019 瑞士对华国事访问经济代表之一。
中国国际进口博览会(英文名称China International Import Expo,简称CIIE),由中华人民共和国商务部、上海市人民政府主办,旨在坚定支持贸易自由化和经济全球化、主动向世界开放市场。